Saturday, November 6, 2021

What's Next

Mystere Said: The Prophets Have Spoken! A word to you liberals wanting to drive politics further left: The further you try to inflict your deranged views upon everyone else, it gets worse for you! God has heard the cries from Middle America. Even some of your liberal pundits like Bill Maher and James Carville have said you guys have gone too far!

1 Comment
President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr (The Big Guy). November 11, 2021 at 7:29 AM.
MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED!!! You know uh Corn Pop...uh, he was a very bad dude... you know uh....

Commentary: Oh, you're talking about the fake prophets, Mystere? What did they say? You linked to a video, but there is nothing there. fyi, Bill Maher is NOT a "liberal pundit".

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