Thursday, May 5, 2022

My Condolences To Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders?

Mystere Said: Recently, I saw a listing on the internet that showed one of Assface's relatives in Paris TN had passed away. Dervish's great heemaw Louise Sanders has left her carcass and gone into the land of eternal BBQ. A blog friend of mine got a snapshot from Radical Redneck and sent it to me. Louise apparently resembled a cross between Crooked Hildebeest and Gorged Soreass, so her mugshot turned into a meme.

My condolences to Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders over the "bigly" loss of his heemaw Louise Sanders. Below is the video of the Louise Sanders Memorial Service. Location 96Q772R8+9R.

There is no video of "the Louise Sanders Memorial Service" attached to Mystere's post

Commentary: I don't know a "Louise Sanders". I don't know what a "heemaw" is. This appears to be more fanfic from Mystere. As per a location tag attached to Mystere's post, Mystere was in Keewatin Canada when he posted this?

Mystere linked to his post on WYD.

Dervish Sanders. May 7, 2022 at 5:35 AM. WYD.
My belated condolences to Edward uptheEndo for the loss of his relative, Jason Endo last year on 9/24. Although I heard that Edward's uncle Jason had Edward removed from his will when he found out Edward was a tRump supporter, which made Edward bigly angry. Given that his uncle Jason was a very wealthy man. Though most of Jason's fortune went to his 2 sons and 4 surviving brothers and sisters, Edward fancied himself a favorite nephew and thought he was going to get something. Edward was particularly incensed when he found out that his sister Barbara received 20k (and then she made a $1000 donation to NARAL Pro-Choice California). Edward doesn't realize that he is the black sheep of his family (and that most of his relatives dislike him).

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