Saturday, June 4, 2022

Serious Trouble Coming?

Mystere Said: This is prophet Timothy Dixon. When Dixon speaks out, he is dead serious about what God is telling him. The USA and others have been under crooked leaders to the point that things are about to happen.

Prophetic Dream The Eagle has Landed #donaldtrump #nancypelosi. Arrested,

WARNING WARNING WARNING Prophetic word of the Lord. #pelosi #shumer #capital OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF TIMOTHY V DIXON MINISTRY INC. This video isn't available anymore. This video isn't available anymore.

Messing around with God's Chosen One is a bad idea. It brings on dire and serious consequences with severe punishment upon those who inflict evil upon others.

Dervish Sanders. June 7, 2022 at 10:59 AM.
"This is prophet Timothy Dixon" should read "This is Satan's puppet Timothy Dixon".

Rattrapper. June 9, 2022 at 5:04 AM.
For once, I'm going to leave your comment up Flingo Og Dervish Sanders. I'm in a generous mood. After all, Puppets of Satan who write stupid retorts need to be exposed for the vile bigoted liberal pigs they really are. Keep oinking, Flingo Og Dervish Sanders.

President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr (The Big Guy). June 12, 2022 at 9:29 AM.
Bulbophyll Bassoon got to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez... I want my [icecream] now!

Dervish Sanders (fake Mystere comment). June 12, 2022 at 10:40 AM.
Ich liebe flammengekochte Rindfleisch Arsch Burgerz! Besonders geschlitzt in Kacke weiße Soße. Extrem lecker! Auf Scheißeschnitzel!

Commentary: God isn't telling the fake prophet turd Tim Dixon anything, Mystere. Maybe Satan is telling him things. But definitely NOT God.

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