Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ham Sandwiches Are Racist? REALLY?

Mystere Said: Really? Ham sandwiches are RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSSST?? OH BOY! Mystere, Rattrapper and I are in trouble! According to left wing extremist libturds, we're ISLAMOPHOBES because we like eating ham sandwiches, bacon, pork chops and pork sausages! MMM! Pork Sausages! MMM! MMM! BACON! MMM!

Commentary: As per Mystere's link, this is a story (posted to Facebook) from "". What's that? Some rightturd fake news outlet that may not exist any longer? All I see is "Web server is down" when I tried your link.

As per Mystere's Labels, somehow "Hildebeest Clinton" is involved? Was it Hillary Clinton who said ham sandwiches are racist, Mystere?

As per Google, "both Judaism and Islam have prohibited eating pork and its products for thousands of years. Scholars have proposed several reasons for the ban to which both religions almost totally adhere".

Why are you in "trouble", Mystere? When you go out to eat -- and if you see someone who looks Muslim -- you order a ham sandwich? Then go up to them while munching on it? Maybe loudly proclaim, "this ham sandwich is really tasty"?

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