Sunday, January 15, 2017

Obama's Big Blunder In Syria?

Mystere Said: Obama's Legacy in Syria Will Haunt Him. Way to go 0bama! In you last few days in office, you decide to throw a tantrum to make Trump's job miserable! You're a childish whiny crybaby!

Commentary: Obama blundered in Syria? Really, Mystere?

On September 1, President Obama laid out the case for a targeted military action against Syrian regime targets as a result of the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons that killed over one thousand people -- including hundreds of children.

Obama's Syria legacy: Measured diplomacy... BBC News, 1/13/2017.

Barack Obama was not against using force to protect civilians. Yet he resisted, to the end, a military intervention to stem Syria's six-year civil war, even as it killed or displaced half the country's population, brutally documented in real time on social media.

Part of the answer to this vexing question has been clear from the beginning. President Obama was elected to end America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by a people tired of paying the cost in blood and treasure. He was extremely reluctant to get sucked into another messy Middle East conflict.

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