Monday, April 15, 2024

Dervish Sanders Allegedly Advocates Stealing Elections For Democrats? Part 2

Mystere Said: Dervish Sanders exposed his true desires to have fairly won elections stolen from all Conservatives in every state. Dervish asks for and believes that lying, cheating and stealing all elections for far left liberals is the way to go. Dervish encourages usurping rights from those he hates and disagrees with, at all costs.

Dervish Sanders allegedly worships Josef Robbingit Bidet Jr. To Dervish, Bidet is God in the flesh and must be bowed to & worshipped or the ones who refuse to bow down & worship must be sent to a prison camp with their entire family and be taken out by death to the family line. In his blog bio, Dervish Sanders gleefully posts "assassination of President Trump" as one of his interests. He's had complaints lodged against him, but gotten away with posting his hate and harassing others.

Update: Dervish Sanders just confessed to plotting another attempt to usurp the 2024 elections in November nationwide to keep his election thief seated on the 0ffal 0ffice throne. You can't hide from this, Dervish! And your blog boyfriends can't hide either like the cowards they are.

Cry all you want, Dervish, because even I have no idea who reported your hate blogs to Google. You think free speech is only for your kind, the far left wing extremists. You made many blog enemies with your hate. The same goes to you, Dave Dubya, Oxcaca Dave Miller and Leslie Elden Carpenter III.

Just a note to Google: I don't condone Nazis, especially Joseph Robinet Biden Jr, the pants pooping farting jackal who turned the White House into the 0ffal 0ffice. As a courtesy, I updated this post to take a stand against censorship, and to stand up to left wing extremist blog bullies who issue death threats against ALL those they hate. And for part 2, 2 more sites seemed to have disappeared from Google's blogger sites.

These sewage leaking sites are down for the moment. If the appeals get denied, the blogs become ancient history along with every dirty thing posted on them. Goodbye fake Trump pornographic images!

Posted by Rattrapper at 7:14 AM Monday, April 15, 2024.

Commentary: The 2020 election was not stolen. Joe Biden is the fairly elected and legitimate president. I didn't make any confessions. I made some sarcastic comments to feed Mystere's delusions. And Mystere fell for my bait and wrote this post (reproduced here).

Video: Oct 10, 2022. #davidpakmanshow #2020election #voterfraud. David explains what evidence would convince him that the 2020 Presidential election was indeed stolen from Donald Trump by Joe Biden.

Google says "Porn0graphy has been defined as sexual subject material such as a picture, video, or text that is intended for sexual arousal". So, either Mystere is sexually aroused by the images of the "tRump nude wax statues", or he doesn't know what porn0graphy is. Which is it, Mystere? Did you beat off when you looked at the "trump nude wax statue" images?

In regards to Mystere's claim "I have no idea who reported your hate blogs to Google"... that is a lie. Two lies, actually. He knows who falsely reported my blogs, because it was him. Also, I have no "hate blogs".

Additionally, Mystere confessed that he was going after my blogs back in 2019. Comment below from Mr. Mackey Speaks, which is the trumpturd Rusty Shackleford's blog.

More lies
01. Dervish Sanders exposed his true desires to have fairly won elections stolen from all Conservatives in every state. No.

02. Dervish asks for and believes that lying, cheating and stealing all elections for far left liberals is the way to go. No.

03. Dervish encourages usurping rights from those he hates and disagrees with, at all costs. No.

04. Dervish Sanders allegedly worships Josef Robbingit Bidet Jr. To Dervish, Bidet is God in the flesh and must be bowed to & worshipped... No.

05. ...the ones who refuse to bow down & worship must be sent to a prison camp with their entire family and be taken out by death to the family line. No.

06. In his blog bio, Dervish Sanders gleefully posts "assassination of President Trump" as one of his interests. No. My profile says I am interested in "Presidential Assassination". NOT the "assassination of President Trump".

07. He's had complaints lodged against him... Yes. By you.

08. ...but gotten away with posting his hate and harassing others. No. YOU are the blog harasser.

09. Dervish Sanders just confessed to plotting another attempt to usurp the 2024 elections in November nationwide to keep his election thief seated on the 0ffal 0ffice throne. No.

10. You can't hide from this, Dervish! And your blog boyfriends can't hide either like the cowards they are. No. I'm not hiding and I have no "blog boyfriends".

11. I have no idea who reported your hate blogs to Google. Lie.

12. You think free speech is only for your kind, the far left wing extremists. Lie.

13. You made many blog enemies with your hate. The same goes to you, Dave Dubya, Oxcaca Dave Miller and Leslie Elden Carpenter III. No. I made one enemy. You. Some other crazy psychos were enemies, but they disappeared. TOM/Steve/Luke. He was a complete nutjob. He hasn't been seen in years. Willis Hart. But I don't think he'd say I'm an enemy. He still blogs but accepts no comments on his blog. I can't think of anyone else.

14. Just a note to Google: I don't condone Nazis, especially Joseph Robinet Biden Jr, the pants pooping farting jackal who turned the White House into the 0ffal 0ffice Lie Joe Biden is not a Nazi. dotard donald poops his pants, not Joe Biden.

15. As a courtesy, I updated this post to take a stand against censorship... Lie. You're FINE with G00gle censoring me. If not you'd stop reporting my blogs for fake T0S infractions and getting them locked, censoring me.

16. ...stand up to left wing extremist blog bullies who issue death threats against ALL those they hate. Lie. YOU are the one constantly threatening people, saying they will burn in Hell.

17. ...more sites seemed to have disappeared from Google's blogger sites. Yes. You're getting G00gle to censor me more.

18. These sewage leaking sites are down for the moment. Lie. YOUR sewage leaking sites are still viewable online. It's been quite awhile since you've lost a blog, but that might change.

19. If the appeals get denied, the blogs become ancient history along with every dirty thing posted on them. Bullsh!t. G00gle should make your blogs ancient history for all the dirty things you post on them.

20. Goodbye fake Trump pornographic images! Lie. My blog was restored. But, even if it had not been, you put the same images on your blog, dipshit.

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