Friday, April 19, 2024

Dolton Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard Under Investigation For Corruptions

Mystere Said: The Doltown Mayor has been cackling and getting noticed on social media. Mayor Tiffany Henyard has been running around like a hen pecker in the township of Dolton Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, and a liberal run town with extremely left policies in effect. Link.

Posted by Rattrapper on Friday, April 19, 2024 at 5:02 PM.

Tiffany Aiesha Henyard is an American politician currently serving as the mayor of Dolton IL since 2021 and as Thornton Township supervisor since 2022. She previously served two terms as a member of the Dolton Village Board of Trustees from 2013 through 2021.

Commentary: As per Wikipedia, "As mayor and supervisor, Henyard has become embroiled in scandals involving allegations of financial mismanagement, corruption, fraud, and other misconduct. She has been at odds with the majority of the village's Board of Trustees. In early 2024, the Illinois Attorney General's office began scrutinizing Henyard's activities as mayor and her nonprofit organization. The FBI also interviewed witnesses and subpoenaed records related to Henyard's alleged corruption. Henyard is also under civil investigation by the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and is a defendant in a number of lawsuits".

I don't know anything about this. Obviously Mystere posted about it because it's a story about an alleged corrupt Democrat. And she's a Black women who "cackles". Like VP Kamala Harris. She also "cackles" as per Mystere. Mystere is especially prejudiced against Black women. Well, excepting Diamond and Silk.

How is Tiffany Henyard "running around like a hen pecker", Mystere? You're trying to be clever re her last name? Mystere thinks Democratic women "cackel" a lot. Not just Black ones. Hillary Clinton is another Democratic woman who "cackles".

As for Dolton IL being an "liberal run town", Google says "In Cook County IL 74.2% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election". That's what they want, Mystere. Not corruption. But they obviously want Democrats to represent them. You have a problem with that?

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