Mystere said: YouTube Video [the "chicks on the right" disagree that assault riffles should be banned].
Chicks On The Right: Is Biden???
Posted by Rattrapper at 3:21 PM on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
G00gle: A study found that the federal prohibition on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was associated with a significant decrease in public mass shootings and related casualties, preventing at least 11 public mass shootings during the 10 years it was in effect.
Commentary: Mystere (and these rightturd chicks) take the position that gun ownership should not be limited... aka gun violence is the "price we pay" to preserve our "freedoms". Specifically the second amendment. Even when mentally ill people who are angry at the world buy guns (when they have done things that should have triggered flags in the system that would prevent them from purchasing such weapons) and use those guns to kill a lot of people very quickly.
Why I say rightturds opposition to abortion has NOTHING to do with their stated belief, which is the sanctity of life. I call BS. If this were true, they would oppose the death penalty. They would be for gun control laws the keep weapons out of the hands of people who might use them to murder their fellow humans. They would support programs that help children after they leave the womb (support for poor children to make sure they grow up with the necessities of life they require).
But the OPPOSE all these measures supported by Democrats. Democrats believe in the sanctity of life of people who are already born. While rightturds don't care about the lives of the already born AT ALL. They only care about the "lives" of the "unborn". Why? Because they want to control women. They DO NOT CARE at all about children after they are born. ONLY before birth.
As for Mystere's question -- is Biden on the right? NO, Joe Biden is not on the right. He is on the Left. What an idiot. Though, he probably meant "right" as in the "right to bear arms". Is Joe Biden "on the right"? Yes. Joe Biden has never advocated getting rid of the 2nd amendment. He only supports reasonable restrictions like the ban on assault rifles that was signed into law by president Bill Clinton (which saved lives).
Selected comments
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders. June 28, 2024 at 3:35 PM.
Mystere is pro-gun mass killing. Mystere laughs when school kids are mowed down by a deranged shooter welding an AR-15.
Rattrapper. June 29, 2024 at 4:14 PM.
Dervish just confessed to what HE likes by accusing Mystere of loving violence. Dervish smirks and gloats with glee over violent acts.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders. June 30, 2024 at 8:12 AM.
Liar. I strongly oppose such violence and strongly support getting guns out of the hands of killers. While you want the killers to have as many guns and ammo they want. YOU confessed that you smirk and "gloat with glee" over acts of violence committed with guns. Those rightturd chicks are in favor of people owing assault rifles. I watched the video. You (by linking to their video) indicated agreement.
I think assault rifle banned because it would decrease gun violence. Nuts who are angry at the world couldn't mow down as many people as quickly if they could not buy an assault riffle. If I was someone who (like you) "gloated with glee" about school children (or others) being mowed down, I would oppose an assault riffle ban.
Image (top of post) credit: The Clinton-era ban on assault weapons ushered in a period of fewer mass shooting deaths. AP Photo/Dennis Cook. US President Bill Clinton looks on as Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco Director John Magaw holds a AK-47 submachine gun at the White House in Washington on Monday, May 2, 1994.