Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chicks On The Right (Mystere Pr0 Gun Violence Blog Post)

Mystere said: YouTube Video [the "chicks on the right" disagree that assault riffles should be banned].

Chicks On The Right: Is Biden???

Posted by Rattrapper at 3:21 PM on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

G00gle: A study found that the federal prohibition on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was associated with a significant decrease in public mass shootings and related casualties, preventing at least 11 public mass shootings during the 10 years it was in effect.

Commentary: Mystere (and these rightturd chicks) take the position that gun ownership should not be limited... aka gun violence is the "price we pay" to preserve our "freedoms". Specifically the second amendment. Even when mentally ill people who are angry at the world buy guns (when they have done things that should have triggered flags in the system that would prevent them from purchasing such weapons) and use those guns to kill a lot of people very quickly.

Why I say rightturds opposition to abortion has NOTHING to do with their stated belief, which is the sanctity of life. I call BS. If this were true, they would oppose the death penalty. They would be for gun control laws the keep weapons out of the hands of people who might use them to murder their fellow humans. They would support programs that help children after they leave the womb (support for poor children to make sure they grow up with the necessities of life they require).

But the OPPOSE all these measures supported by Democrats. Democrats believe in the sanctity of life of people who are already born. While rightturds don't care about the lives of the already born AT ALL. They only care about the "lives" of the "unborn". Why? Because they want to control women. They DO NOT CARE at all about children after they are born. ONLY before birth.

As for Mystere's question -- is Biden on the right? NO, Joe Biden is not on the right. He is on the Left. What an idiot. Though, he probably meant "right" as in the "right to bear arms". Is Joe Biden "on the right"? Yes. Joe Biden has never advocated getting rid of the 2nd amendment. He only supports reasonable restrictions like the ban on assault rifles that was signed into law by president Bill Clinton (which saved lives).

Selected comments

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders. June 28, 2024 at 3:35 PM.
Mystere is pro-gun mass killing. Mystere laughs when school kids are mowed down by a deranged shooter welding an AR-15.

Rattrapper. June 29, 2024 at 4:14 PM.
Dervish just confessed to what HE likes by accusing Mystere of loving violence. Dervish smirks and gloats with glee over violent acts.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders. June 30, 2024 at 8:12 AM.
Liar. I strongly oppose such violence and strongly support getting guns out of the hands of killers. While you want the killers to have as many guns and ammo they want. YOU confessed that you smirk and "gloat with glee" over acts of violence committed with guns. Those rightturd chicks are in favor of people owing assault rifles. I watched the video. You (by linking to their video) indicated agreement.

I think assault rifle banned because it would decrease gun violence. Nuts who are angry at the world couldn't mow down as many people as quickly if they could not buy an assault riffle. If I was someone who (like you) "gloated with glee" about school children (or others) being mowed down, I would oppose an assault riffle ban.

Image (top of post) credit: The Clinton-era ban on assault weapons ushered in a period of fewer mass shooting deaths. AP Photo/Dennis Cook. US President Bill Clinton looks on as Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco Director John Magaw holds a AK-47 submachine gun at the White House in Washington on Monday, May 2, 1994.


  1. To say that it’s “Embarrassing’”is putting it VERY mildly, after Kamala Harris Plagiarized Joe Biden’s Campaign Policies for her Website.!

    Yes, The “Queen for a Day” Kamala Harris’‘s campaign policies were COMPLETELY COPIED from President Joe Biden’s past campaign website, copied and pastied onto its “Issues” page on Sunday seven weeks after Harris entered the Presidential Campaign.
    Breitbart News had noted, Harris finally posted a set of policies on Sunday, after weeks of criticism for not having one on her campaign website. The policies were published just 48 hours before the presidential campaign’s first and likely only debate on Tuesday evening on ABC (at 9:00 p.m. ET).
    But The New Republic. I guess that this ACTUALLY is Proof of the FACT that Ms Harris does NOT have the Ability to even write a list of “Campaign Polices” on her own, or does it mean that Ms. Harris does NOT have any Policies?????In an article titled “Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris’s Launch of Policy Platform,” The New Republic reported Monday:
    Soon after Kamala released her list of policies Sunday. Many of X’s users spotted something strange in the site’s data, much of the language that appeared there seem to sound peculiar. Because it had been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website. During his last elecrion.
    On Sunday night, X user Corinne Green pointed out that the issues section of Harris’s website contained metadata with language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden. This language was visible when links to the campaign site were shared,
    Needless to say, that this was NOT a good look to for a Candidate to plagiarize ANYTHING ESPECIALLY from Joe Biden who has his own career stained from “Serial”plagiarism.
    And it also shows that the so-called "New Way Forward" is just a reiteration of the Same Old Failures That We've Already Had for the Last Four-Years. I would say that this was a MAJOR SCREW-UP!

  2. What happens when that leadership of a nation falters, and the rest of the bunch in power fail to address the cracks in the foundation? What happens when staffers and elected officials, who are meant to protect and serve the country, knowingly allow a facade of strength to be perpetuated, even as the reality of President Joe Biden’s declining health puts us all at risk? A man so hell bent to destroy the Nation he was elected to Protect>

    Well, take a good look at the person sitting in the Oval office of the White House right at this very minute! In a betrayal that cannot be overstated, members of Congress and presidential staffers who were privy to Biden’s deteriorating condition chose to keep it hidden. With a Press Secretary who is lying her skinny ass off to protect the walking Zombi! Theyall allowed the image of a robust, capable leader to persist—while behind the scenes, unelected, unprepared assistants stepped in to make critical decisions in the name of a leader too frail to lead. The all should be thrown in Jail for what they have allowed to happen to this one time Great Nation of ours!

    This wasn’t just a failure of transparency but a Complete Criminal Dereliction of Duty. There are no other words to describe it! It was a betrayal of not only their Jobs, but of the American people and a gift to our Enemies, who were all too aware that the nation’s leadership had been compromised. This was the one and only reason we saw Russia dod what they did to Ukraine . And what had happened in Israel as well. Neither would have happened if Donald Trump were in Power instead of that Skinny, Lying idiot. . who needs to be led around on a Leash by his Nurse Jill.
    This was the Deliberate Deception, by the Media, along with the Democratic party , and SHAME on them ALL ;;. : They All Are A Charade And a Fire on them ALL!

    When a nation is led by a President in Poor Health—whether Physical, Cognitive, or otherwise—there is an obligation to be honest with the public. This honesty is a constitutional and moral duty necessary for the nation’s security. This entire episode was presentable. And should not have happened. But it did. This was the biggest cover-Up job in the history of America. And it was covered up worse than the Cover-up by Richard Nixon
    And what if the people entrusted with the responsibility to safeguard that truth allowed the country to be misled? What if the Vice President is Incapable to carry on the job like Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet are? And what if they all refuse to execute the provisions of the 25th Amendment, which deals with presidential incapacitation? Should we fire them all, and kick them all to the curb as they would do in their beloved Communist countries? I’d say YES, Sure!

  3. Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are the Two Farting COWS that are Destroying Our Planet.

  4. Is there really any difference between some of these murders that Biden has Commuted? . I'm personally thinking about the ones which are so calculated, cold blooded and showing zero mercy and actually these perps getting off on killing their victims... thats a person who cannot be rehabilitated, and will never have anything to offer to society. They should also cease to cost society anything like food or housing expenses.
    When it comes to Trump or a CEO of a health care insurance company or the INNOCENT UNBORN, CHILD the LEFT loves the Death Penalty

    They just have a problem putting to Death Hardened Murderers That \Comes Here to Kill. And to Rape our Children!
    What about that poor woman in the video who lost her life from being set on Fire in the New York Subway by a Sick Freaken Illegal Who should not even had been here in the first place ?
    Biden Demonstrates What a Bunch of Hypocritical Windbags the Left Wingers Are, It's Okay to Kill Innocent People in War, It’s Ok to attack the Jewish Man in the street on his way to pray in a Synagogue It's Okay to Kill Unborn Babies, but Killing People Convicted of the Most Heinous Crimes Is Barbaric, It's Pathetic.

  5. Perhaps this wasn’t so surprising, for Biden and the medical condition he’s presently in that he had previously accused his predecessor of being a “fascist” who, if not actually another Hitler, who was “sort of like Goebbels,” the Nazi propaganda minister. While such rhetoric is outrageous for any sitting U.S. President, especially Joe Biden’s words and policies reflect the view prevailing throughout the ideological left, which dominates today’s : sad, and Pathetic Democratic Party and swathes of the media
    Calling a Conservative person a fascist is a stupid, and mindless accusation. It may stop an argument in its tracks, ends the conversation and often results in the belittled target slinking away hurt and wondering how such well-reasoned ideas as those they offered could be subsumed under such a hideous ideology. And it actually show the Stupidity of the accusation. caller. I personally feel that the .accusation. caller. Themselves know very well that the accusation is not only ridiculous but it just doesn’t fit or make any sense what so ever. Conservatives and or Trump Supporters, and Trump himself is as far from being a “Hitler”, or a “Fascist” as could possibly be.
    The lefty is a loon calling Trump a modern day Hitler. Donald Trump is as far from being a “Hitler” as he possibly could be.
    Trump may be a lot of things, but a Hitler he is NOT! He may be a strong leader like Hitler was, But other than that, NO! That foolishness comes from decades and decades of to much Left-wing Kool-Aid drinking.
    You have to realize that the Democrat cult are easily led, easily change their perception, it just depends on what their favorite leftist news channel has spoon fed them. You know I say this an awful lot but when it comes to how bad the lefties on here remind me of a Saturday Night Live skit by Robert Di Nero. . They don't have a clue what they're talking about or even why they're outraged, but they just are. But the point is that it i totally absurd.

  6. The Mental illness of the Members of the Progressive Eruptions Ward has gotten worse with the death of former Presidential Jimmy Carter

  7. So Trump TROUNCED that giggling Idiot Kamala

    Still refuse to give Trump credit for anything Shaw??

  8. The silence of the Lack of any outcry of the anniversary of January 6th speaks volumes, and perhaps it lies in internal Democrat party politics, strategic maneuvering, and the disenfranchisement of their own primary voters., now that the Republicans are completely in charge of the whole shebang! Let’s go back to 2024, when the Democrats had an opportunity to stand by the will of their supporters. Instead, party leaders, particularly Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, played a pivotal role in a corrupt, incompetent, senile demented Joe Biden—the candidate that seemed to be chosen by the voters. With a swift political maneuver, they quickly replaced him with Kamala Harris, possibly the most unlikable, and without a doubt probably, the Least Smartest Presidential Candidate since the Most Disliked Women in Politics today Hillary Clinton. . Unlike Hillary, Harris was downright Incompetent, Incomprehensible, and downright Stupid in matters of State .Politics. The only thing that Kamala know how to do was to Attack Trump, and she did that constantly. And perhaps to constantly .She did it in every single interview in every single answer to ever single question. .
    And Ironically, yesterday as the President of the Senate, Kamala Harris was forced to read aloud the official Certification of her own defeat, a stunning reminder of the backroom deals that denied her the Presidency. While Harris who was defeated in a Landslide smiled through the moment, the tension beneath the surface was palpable. Despite her lackluster performance in the primaries, the decision to thrust Harris into the presidential race left many Democrats betrayed by the party supposed to represent their voices. And along comes Schiff’s ability to stir up controversy remains undiminished, continuing to seek attention and, apparently Adam “Shit for Brains” Schiff. Who is known for his role in the Trump Impeachment Trials, Liar, Leaker, and Perjurer, Schiff’s willingness to stir the pot on every issue leaves very little room for honesty, or diplomacy, but lots of room for controversy..How very desperate he was!

    So, what is all this leading to? January 6th, of course! January the 6th, lets not forget the fact, the BIG fact that NOT ONE SINGLE person has ever been charged with being an “Insurrectionist.” I’ll certainly admit that many of those stupid people were breaking down doors and breaking windows, and I also definitely think that many of them appeared to be trained agitators, many coming from behind police lines into the crowd where they turned around and started agitating and just were breaking things for the sake of Braking Things. This kind of thing s are always done by “Paid Outsiders” Paid tp appear that they are from the MAGA People, but who are actually just Paid and Trained Agitators. And those people know how to get away before the Police, come to drag them off to Jail;. "Trained Agitators" is a term used to describe people who are involved in Protests, or Riot, and are not University, or even Students. The term is often used to discredit the Protests by suggesting that the Protesters are not sincere. And used to discount the political unrest as being driven by outsiders, rather than by internal discontent.
    And by the way, today there is a person in jail in Brooklyn for 3 years with NO CHARGES EVER BROUGHT FOURTH ! So who is the Threat to Democracy Now?
    Does anyone ever speak about the 33 people murdered during the BLM Riots. Does anyone ever speak about the police station that was firebombed during those Riots?
    Does anyone ever mention the 60 Secret Service Members that were seriously injured during the George Floyd protests in Washington DC?
    The Bottom line to all this is that Donald Trump didn't orchestrate January 6th and come next January 21st, I hope that he pardons every single one of those SO-CALLED "Insurrectionists"

  9. LOS ANGELES (AP) — At least 10 people were killed and thousands of structures were burned as fierce wildfires raged in the Los Angeles area. The dead include four men who were unable to leave or had stayed behind to defend their homes in Altadena, a community near Pasadena that is home to working and middle-class families, including many Black residents living there for generations.

    Anthony Mitchell and his son, Justin

    Anthony Mitchell, a 67-year-old amputee, and his son, Justin, who has cerebral palsy, were waiting for an ambulance to come for them.

    “They didn’t make it out,” said Mitchell’s daughter, Hajime White.

    She said authorities told the family Mitchell was found by the side of his son’s bed in Altadena. The Washington Post reported the family believes Mitchell was trying to save his son, who was in his early 20s.

    “He was not going to leave his son behind. No matter what,” White said. White, who lives in Warren, Arkansas, and is Justin’s step-sister, said her father called her Wednesday morning and said they had to evacuate from approaching flames. “Then he said, ‘I’ve got to go — the fire’s in the yard,’” she recalled Thursday.

    Another son, also in his 20s, lived with the pair but was in the hospital, and no caregivers were on hand, White said, adding “It’s very hard. It’s like a ton of bricks just fell on me.”

  10. Biden's entire family committed so many crimes from America to Ukraine while he was Vice-President. He was the most crooked politician of the 21st Century. You have to understand that. Lets say it like it is! Biden could give every single American a million bucks and we would still hate his guts


  11. Michelle Obama says she won't attend Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20th and No One Cares!
    In fact most people are Very Happy about it.
