Saturday, June 1, 2024

What Prayer Does?

Mystere Said: Mark Taylor Video.

Posted by Rattrapper on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 11:57 AM.

Video Summary: Mark Taylor and an undentified person tell lies. Brett Kavanaugh was falsely accused. Kavanaugh was chosen by God and his accusor [Christine Blasey Ford] needs to repent. She is going to be disciplined hard. God disciplined Megan Kelly for going after tRump. You cannot touch God's annointed and get away with it.

False Prophet Mark Taylor: What I do, is I'll get on Twitter to catch the headlines. ... Sometimes I'm like, look at Fox's website. Look at the headlines. I take that with a grain of salt. But, if you really want to know the truth ... go to the president's Twitter feed -- go to his Facebook page -- get the truth straight from the source. If you're a Q follower, follow Q. Everybody asks me, "how do I know that Q is legit?". There is one main reason I know, in fact, Q is legit. It's because everything Q has been saying lines up with the prophecies God has given me.

Commentary: Bullplop from the false prophet Mark Taylor. Qanon is legit? Really. This guy really is a complete nutter. Also a lying Turd.

I would have embedded the video, but I don't see any way of doing that. I don't know where it is from, but the source does not appear to be YouTube? Though, when I right-clicked and selected "troubleshoot playback issue" I was taken to a YouTube page.

Video: Premiered Jan 26, 2021. Evangelical prophets predicted that Trump would win in 2020, and after pushing back the date that this would come to pass all the way to the inauguration date, they're still doubling down. Watch televangelist Sid Roth double down on a failed prophecy. Watch Pastor Greg Locke freak out and Kat Kerr have a screaming meltdown. Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Mario Marillo, and Dutch Sheets hedge and make excuses as to why the prophecy failed on the Victory Channel's show Flashpoint with Gene Bailey.

Even the prophets of YouTube, Albert Milton and Chris Yoon, make some pretty spectacular failed prophecies and then shift the goalposts on the failed Trump prophecy. Everyone from Eric Metaxas to Curt Landry, and Kenneth Copeland was invested in the prophetic claim that Trump would win a second term in 2020, and all of them got it spectacularly wrong. #FalseProphets #FailedProphecy

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