Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dervish Sanders' New Favorite Song: The Joe Biden Song?

Mystere Said: I'd really like to get in your pants, because I just sh!t in mine. YouTube link.

Your boy had too many Taco Jill Breakfast Tacos and Burritos, Dervish.

Posted by Rattrapper on Sunday May 5, 2024 at 8:57 PM

Video: Only as cool as Joe Biden.

Fake Dervish Sanders aka Mystere Said: tRumpturds Insult Our Best President Ever Again. How dare the tRumpturds fake videos of #Best President Ever Joe Biden. These are the lowest forms of harassment against our Best President Ever Joseph Robinet Biden Jr. Posted on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

Commentary: If this is my favorite song, why would I post on "my" Death Angel blog that I'm angry about this video, call it fake and say it is harassment?

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