Tuesday, May 14, 2024

When A Liberal Gets In The Way Of The Trump Train?

Mystere Said: YouTube link. Any questions? That's an old photo of a Kangaroo. Mystere and I used that photo to defend a moderate Aussie Liberal who called himself Elroy when your buddy "This One" decided to hijack his identity while commenting on a blog. There's a captioned photo in the archives that Elroy got a kick out of. The guy was a liberal who had a sense of humor about things. I think he's gone now; I heard from some bloggers that he was ill around 10 years ago. And by the way, since you refuse to watch the video, the creature hit by the train was a donkey.

Posted by Rattrapper on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 8:54 PM & May 14, 2024 at 10:10 PM.

Commentary: Mystere posted an image of some roadkill, but I'm not copying that over. Also, while (as per G00gle) "our results clearly reveal that most Australians have positive attitudes about kangaroos", Elroy from Australia "got a kick out of" seeing a dead one? Maybe he hates animals as much as Mystere does? Or maybe Elroy never existed. I certainly think it's possible that Elroy could be a product of Mystere's mentally ill delusions.

By the way, that a donkey was hit by the dotard train is fake news. What really happened was that the donkey dodged the train. Then (later) it tracked down dotard donald and exacted revenge on the Orange Turd for trying to murder him.

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