Saturday, May 18, 2024

Righties Relishing It? Liberals Are Self Destructing?

Mystere Said: Link. This has been super amusing watching Dervish having a mental meltdown over my previous post. I posted 2 of the images above on the previous post. Perhaps Dervish identifies as a mutt dressed up in a pooch costume and parades around Paris Tennessee? NAAAAAH! He's just upset because his clowns are putting on an embarrassing public freak show, making him blush BIGLY.

Rita's "Lefties Losing It" exposes the far left for the Ass Clowns that they really are. The series of the Looney toons clown show exposing them for the extreme fools they are has angered Dervish. Come to think of it, there is an old archived photo the team used that angered Dervish. Yes, there were photos in the archives. Dervish got upset back around 2015 about these photos. Lefties really lost it! Righties Relishing It are having Bigly belly laughs over this.

Posted by Rattrapper on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 9:07 PM.

Labels: Lefties Losing It, liberal jackal, Moonbat Hall Of Shame, RINOs, Rita Panahi, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Sky News Australia

Dervish Sanders. May 18, 2024 at 11:36 PM.
Mystere is posting his delusions again.

Rattrapper. May 19, 2024 at 3:08 PM.
The Puppet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders ... "Mystere is posting his delusions again". Dervish has been on the Tennessee Warlock Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again. So did you copy this post to the counterfeit Donkey's Revenge blog, Dervish?

Commentary: I am not upset or blushing, Mystere. Because Rita Panahi isn't exposing anything about the "far left". Someone identifying as a dog isn't "far left". Tolerance is a Left position. I'm not embarassed about being tolerant, I'm proud. None of your photos (of people dressing as dogs) anger me. Not in 2015. Not now. I think it's weird, but people identifying as dogs does no harm to me. Why should I care? Mystere obviously cares.

Mystere falsely accuses me of being a "hatemonger". But it is YOU, Mystere, who is filled with hate. Who you hate is CENTRAL to your identity. Sure, Mystere hates people who identify as canines. But he hates real dogs too. Possibly because his hero donald tRump hates dogs. And gay people. Here we have a supposed gay guy who supposedly identifies as a dog. TWO reason for Mystere to hate this person.

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