Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wacky Wednesday Classic Pics?

Mystere Said: Today, I thought I would bring out some of the old goofy photos on several blog sites. It's time to lighten the mood a bit and chuckle over a few old pics.

Posted by Rattrapper on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 8:50 AM.

Commentary: Yeah. Barack Obama and David Cameron smooching is totally wacky. Because the pic is a photoshop. That never happened. Does Mystere know this? I doubt it.

Above is another of Mystere's "wacky" pics. This image represents Mystere's tinfoil hat delusion that the WEF is going to force everyone to eat bugs. Which is completely wacky. Because the WEF will never FORCE anyone to eat bugs.

As per Huo Jingnan of NPR "using insects as a source of protein is only at the edges of the policy debate when it comes to cutting climate pollution from agriculture. Scientists focus mainly on reducing meat consumption and eating more plant-based food".

A CNN Fact Check says "No, Biden is not trying to force Americans to eat less red meat". So, Joe Biden hasn't even said anything about eating less meat. Let alone ever suggested that he's down with forcing people to eat bugs. Exactly HOW (or could) people be forced to consume insects against their will, Mystere?

The "wacky" image above is the last "wacky" image I'm going to say something about. There are more "wacky" pics, but these 3 are all I'm going to react to. In this one, it looks like Jeff Epstein's ghost is rising from the grave to tell people he didn't kill himself.

Was Jeff Epstein murdered? I don't know. I suspect that, if he was murdered, that dotard donald's AG Bill Barr had something to do with it. Like ordering it to protect his boss. The Orange Turd could have been bigly worried that Jeff would spill the beans and produce the evidence that he and donald were rape buddies. He could have (for example) told the fuzz that Katie Johnson's account of how she was raped (at 13 years old) in 1994 by both Jeff and donald was true.

I think that qualifies as motivation to want to silence his buddy Jeff. Not wanting to go to prison for rape himself. Yet (in Mystere's delusions) it was Hillary who somehow (during the dotard administration) ordered Jeff killed. Because both Hillary and Bill had been to Epstein's island and participated in sex with minors while there.

Did Bill Clinton definitely never go to Jeff Epstein's island? I don't know. I doubt either did. Even though the fake "Epstein Island List" that Mystere posted to his blog says both Bill and Hillary were there. But it is fake.

I brought it to Mystere's attention that, no, a federal court didn't release Jeffrey Epstein's client list, but he didn't care. Why? Because Mystere prefers his delusions to reality. BOTH Bill and Hillary were on that Island. And they BOTH had sex with minors. The fake "Epstein Island List" confirms it!

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