Monday, May 13, 2024

McD0nald's Tries To Bribe Back Lost Cust0mers?

Mystere Said: link. Let me put it this way: McD0nald's is close to being the bottom of the fast food burger chain. I've eaten one worse in California: Rallys. Jack In The Box is better; Burger King, Wendy's and Carl's Junior (Hardee's in your region) are much better as well.

Southern California has In-N-Out, Tommy's, Five Guys, Habit and a few other local mom and pop places that outdo McD0nald's. There is a black owned business outside of Los Angeles in a black neighborhood that makes a killer burger: Hawkins' House Of Burgers.

McD0nalds let their business sink by not taking control of the quality of their burgers. They shot themselves down. If they think they can weasel their way out with a $5 deal with inferior burgers, they're a bunch of clowns. I bet Shake Shack in your area puts them to shame. I do hope McD0nald's stops clowning around and learns from what Jack In The Box learned in the early 80s when JIB nearly turned into a clown show burger joint, but got their act together and made huge improvements.

Posted by Rattrapper on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 2:46 PM & May 14, 2024 at 9:56 PM.

Video: May 14, 2024. McD0nald's is considering the addition of a new value meal in hopes of boosting the fast-food chain's sales. This video appeared on the KTLA 5 Morning News on May 14, 2024. KTLA 5 News -- Keeping Southern Californians informed since 1947.

Commentary: What, you're not blaming Joe Biden for this? And why are you ripping McD0nald's? Poopy pants dotard donald likes their hamberders.

When President Trump welcomed the Clemson Tigers, national college football champions, to the White House on January 14, 2019, he served them hamburders, pizza, and fries... The resulting buffet, which included hamberders, fries, salads, and fish sandwiches from McD0nald's, Burger King, and Wendy's alongside Domino's pizza...

Dervish Sanders. May 15, 2024 at 6:39 PM.
Why are you ripping McD0nald's, Mystere? Poopy pants dotard donald likes their hamberders.

Rattrapper. May 16, 2024 at 9:16 PM.
Mystere ripped "Poopy Pants Dotard Donald"? I don't see his comments here. Your Chinese pain killers are making you hallucinate, Dervish. And there is no such person named Poopy Pants Dotard Donald. And what's a hamberder? Never mind! I don't want to find out what sick liberal dish it is.

By the way, telling the truth about McD0nalds is not ripping. It's exposing them for how lousy their burgers are. A patty that is less than ¼ inch thick makes a great burger? That's a slice of baloney, not a burger patty. You forgot something else: I said Rallys burger was even lousier than McD0nalds. Their burgers tasted bland when I ate there a few times. They haven't expanded either in over 20+ years. They ran a stupid TV ad years ago saying "Ya gotta eat, eat eat," with cholo Mexican gang bangers in low rider Chevy Monte Carlos hanging out at the Rallys burger stand, chomping down their "Big Buford" burger. By the way, that was the flagship burger I tried that tasted bland and lousy. That local TV ad made them lose business and made them look foolish.

I just republished this post due to the original being blocked. wtf is this G00gle? A discussion about fastfood is "sensitive content"? What nonsense! G00le is getting seriously ridiculous. This post better not get flagged again. Idi0ts. Maybe the alleged Democrat-aligned G00gle took exception to my bringing up dotard donald's "hamberder" tweet?

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