Mystere Said: I was reading an old post at Political Tea Leaves, going back to December 2023. Joe Conservative had posted a video about Rumble being banned in Brazil. Dervish Sanders laughed about Rumble being banned, and other media apps friendly to all sides being banned in foreign countries when users use it to criticize their government. Dervish often gets called "Cretin" by a reader called Q-Anon. Q had some prime replies on Political Tea Leaves.
Butt Face Derpish Sadners. :-)))))))))))))))))00
Now when I know how ITS mama was calling IT... I will be using it too. :-)))))))))))))
Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Imbecile could no help it? To play Poppy the Parrot. :-))))))))))))))))))
Continue-continue, BiFi. ;-P
Continue-continue, BiFi. ;-P
These replies are beyond classic. I got a big laugh looking back at the post, reading the replies and Dervish's retorts, some vulgar by the way.
Posted by Rattrapper at 10:40 AM.
Commentary: You lie, Mystere. I never "laughed about Rumble being banned, and other media apps friendly to all sides being banned in foreign countries when users use it to criticize their government". I laughed because the rightturd Glenn Greenwald lives in Brazil, does a podcast from Brazil, and now his podcast is banned in Brazil. What Mystere SAYS I laughed about is completely his invention. I did not laugh for that reason.
To Mystere "friendly to all sides" means that people are free to spread misinformation on the platform in question. Mystere bigly likes misinformation. Because it is helpful to trumpturds. Vlad Putin has instructed his troll farm workers to (again) spread disinformation helpful to donald tRump. He is hopeful that his puppet donald tRump can regain the presidency and then stop all Ukraine aid. That is how dotard donald (as president) could end the conflict in Ukraine in 24 hours.
As he claimed. By calling up Zelenskyy and informing him the US will be sending no more aid. So he has no choice but to surrender. Mystere likes apps where this kind of disinformation is allowed. Because he is bigly fan of both dotard donald tRump and his puppetmaster Vlad Putin.
btw, the person in question called himself "Q". Not "Q-anon". YOU called yourself Q-anon. You have an account that you attached the display name "Q-anon" to. You later changed the display name to "Q-Taro". The person you refer to never commented using a Blogger account. He previously entered the name "Q", but stopped. Now he just comments anonymously. He (as far as I know) never identified with the QAnon movement of tinfoil hatters such as yourself. He never said he believed any of the wacky QAnon conspiracy theories that you believe. Though he is a rightturd and a moron.
btw, what Mystere quotes above does not exist on the post he refers to as a single comment. It is a compilation of 3 seperate comments. Also, it was Mystere who wrote vulgar comments. In one he wrote, "Dervish had an emergency operation to pull his head out of his bottom piehole".
What he probably THINKS is vulgar was my reply, in which I said "only you eat pie by sticking it up your butt. Normal people use their mouths". That was my response to him referring to the anus as the "bottom piehole". I don't have a "bottom piehole", Mystere. I don't put anything in that hole. I only use it to excrete waste. Like normal humans. I don't don't stick pies up there like you do.
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